Project Management

Project Management - Early Years

When i began my career in Data Processing, (Information Technology), I was employed as a consultant. My responsibilities ranged from applications development, database design and development, to project management. These early projects were on both Mini Computer platforms like Data General and Digital Equipment Corporation, to Mainframe IBM Systems.

These were typically large scale projects running over a year in length. Our project methodology was based upon a series of project Phases. At the end of each phase there was some form of user signoff before proceeding to the next project phase.

This was a very rigid system. It probably worked fine for some types of building or construction projects. But is was very ineffective for developing software.

Project Management - Transition

In the early 90s the team i worked with began to transition to a Rapid Prototyping Methodology. This was pulled from engineering projects of the time. The idea was to get manageable portions of the software system into the hands of users as early in the project as possible. (For those of you using SCRUM, this should sound very familiar.) The idea was that as soon as users started using the system we could get feedback on changes they would like to see that could be incorporated into the next batch of deliverables.

We also initiated short standup meetings on a regular basis. The intent was to avoid a bunch of highly qualified and expensive people from sitting around a conference table drinking coffee and reviewing the project.

Since that time I still use these same principles and have modified my approach to align with SCRUM. This has been successful for me with projects of all sizes.